BJJ Belt Progression Timeline | How Long Will It Take?

BJJ belt progression timeline

When we are talking about a subject such as BJJ belt progressions and how long it will take we need to realize that it is not a simple answer. Each person is going to spend more or less time than others at each belt level. That being said, I will tackle this question as best I can. Though BJJ belt progression goes past the black belt, we will only focus on the BJJ belt timeline from white to black belt

The average BJJ belt progression timeline from white to black belt is about 10 years of consistent training. Of course, this timeline is going to be different from person to person. It takes some people much longer and some people have achieved black belt in less than 4 years.

Either way, you are not going to achieve a BJJ black belt without a ton of blood, sweat, and tears. And I mean that quite literally. There is not hack to getting your black belt at a super fast rate. That is besides putting in the time and dedication.

BJJ Belt Progression Timeline: How Much Time At Each Belt

The thing that will determine how long it will take you to reach black belt in BJJ is how long you will spend at each belt. You will spend time in four different belts before you reach black belt.  That would include the white belt, blue belt, purple belt, and brown belt. With that in mind, let’s look at how much time will likely be spent at each belt.

BJJ Belt Timeline at White Belt

The first belt in BJJ is the white belt. This is the belt you will wear on your first day of class up until you reach blue belt. Most people can expect to spend anywhere from 1-3 years of training before becoming a blue belt. There average would be somewhere close to two years.

The white belt is where you will learn the basic fundamentals of BJJ. Depending on the academy you go to, you will progress to blue belt after you have a basic understanding of the basics of BJJ. If you are a white belt looking to advance to blue belt check out our article: How Long Does It Take To Get A Blue Belt In BJJ? 

BJJ Belt Progression Timeline at Blue Belt?

The next belt after the white belt is the blue belt. This is often the belt many people say is the hardest to get through. People often report a phenomenon known as the blue belt blues. The reason I think this happens is that after spending so much time at white belt, you are really looking forward to becoming a blue belt.

After all, you’re finally not at the lowest BJJ belt level anymore! However, after the excitement of becoming a blue belt wears off, you then realize you are also going to be at this belt for another couple of years. Most people will spend about the same amount or more time at blue belt as they did at white belt. This would equate to roughly 2-3 more years.

BJJ Belt Progression Timeline at Purple Belt?

The purple belt is the next belt after blue in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. This is the belt right in the middle of white and black. It is also the belt most people will start to recognize you as a higher belt. At purple belt, you have a good understanding of BJJ and are starting to develop your own game.

You can expect to spend another couple of years at purple belt as well. Most people take roughly 2-4 years to move past the purple belt. So already we are looking at likely still being at the purple belt level after 5-6 years of training.

Time Spent As A BJJ Brown Belt

The brown belt is the last belt before the black belt in BJJ. Getting this far is something that very few people who start jiu-jitsu will ever achieve. Probably less than 3 percent of people who start BJJ will become brown belts. It takes most people 6-9 years to even reach the brown belt.

Brown Belts have a very high amount of knowledge and skill in BJJ. At brown belt, people are simply ironing out a few kinks on their way to becoming black belts. Most people will spend another 2-3 years at brown belt. After adding up how much time will be spent at each belt you are looking at roughly 10 years of training to become a black belt in BJJ.

BJJ Belt Progression After Black Belt

Many people who have been black belts for a long time equate getting a black belt to starting over as a white belt again. After all, it is not like there is nothing left to learn after becoming a black belt in BJJ. In fact, there are 6 degrees of black belt you can achieve. Many people will become BJJ instructors after becoming black belts.

Red And Black Coral Belt

After the black belt is the red and black coral belt. This is technically a seventh-degree black belt. It goes without saying that very few people will make it this far. The Coral belt is reserved for those who have made a very large impact on the BJJ community.

Red And White Coral Belt

Next is the red and white coral belt. This would equate to an eighth-degree black belt in BJJ. This is a very rare belt that is reserved for true masters of the art. You must spend 10 years at this belt before possibly moving on to the highest belt in BJJ.

Red Belt

The highest rank in BJJ is the red belt. This is a ninth-degree black belt in BJJ. Only the highest of BJJ masters will make it to a red belt. These are people who have dedicated their life to jiu-jitsu and would be referred to as grandmasters. These are people who have played a major role in the art of BJJ. Though there is technically 10th degree, it seems to be reserved only for the original pioneers of BJJ.

Do You Have What It Takes To Get A Black Belt In Jiu-Jitsu?

There are many reasons why most people do not make it to black belt in BJJ. After all, it can take up to 10 years or even longer to become a black belt. Though there have been rare exceptions of people who have become black belts in less than 5 years they are the rare exception.

But just for simplicity, let’s use the average time it takes which is about 10 years. With that in mind, how many people do you know that have stuck with any sport or hobby for 10 years consistently?

We are talking about people who spend multiple times per week perfecting their craft. The truth is that it is hard to stick to anything for that long.

So yes, I understand that the BJJ belt progression time line is not quick and easy. But just remember the path to black belt is an adventurous journey not a destination. Not only that, but once your get there you find that the path continues.

So have fun and enjoy your journey to black belt if you have what it takes!

Joshua Paul

Joshua Paul is a BJJ purple belt who lives in Austin, Texas. Joshua loves all forms of grappling and when he is off the mats he is likely spending time with his wife and son.

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